Szerencsejáték Zrt is a 100% state-owned hungarian national gambling organizer company. Our company offers lottery games, scratch cards and sports betting services, supported by one of Hungary’s largest distribution networks with nearly 7,500 seller points across the country. As a gambling organizer, we place a high priority on the protection of minors under the age of 18. Therefore, our marketing activities go beyond the legal requirements to help ensure a responsible gambling experience for everyone. Our company is a member of the European Lotteries (EL) and the World Lottery Association (WLA) and is certified by both bodies as a responsible gambling organizer. Beyond prevention, we also help people with gambling addiction; players have access to 8 customer information locations across the country. We are proud of our charity scratch card sales network, which has been exclusively employing people with different types of disabilities for over 20 years and has received several awards throughout the years. In addition to the social integration of people with disabilities; since 2017, we have been building inclusive playgrounds as part of our awareness-raising activities, where children with and without disabilities can learn about each other and grow up to become more empathetic adults.

Ez a honlap sütiket használ. A sütik elfogadásával kényelmesebbé teheted a böngészést. A honlap további használatával hozzájárulsz a sütik használatához. További információkat a cookie-k használatáról a „Részletek” gombra kattintva tudhat meg.
